Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Greek Diaspora free essay sample

Historical overview of emigration as essential feature of Greek civilization. War, assimilation, Hellenism, in U.S., religion language. A diaspora is a dispersal or migration of a population and a culture from a central place to other parts of the world. The most famous diaspora, known as the Diaspora, was the migration of the Jewish people to regions outside the original settlement in Palestine, and much of Jewish history since that time has been an attempt to bring as many of the Jewish people as possible back to their homeland, to their Promised Land. A Greek diaspora has been under way for centuries, extending back to the era of Hellenistic culture. During much of the history of the last two thousand years, there have been thriving Greek communities in different parts of the world, all maintaining certain Greek traditions and looking back to the Greek homeland as the source of its culture and strength. We will write a custom essay sample on Greek Diaspora or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There also was no Greek state for centuries so that the diaspora had the same goal as the Jewish

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